Welcome to the companion site for Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: Screening for Referral, 5th Edition
Learn how to properly screen patients using a consistent 5-step model!
Following the standards for competency established by the American Physical Therapy Association, the fifth edition of this comprehensive text continues to center on a 5-stage screening model that covers past medical history, risk factor assessment, clinical presentation, associated signs and symptoms, and review of systems for each client. This time-tested systems- and symptoms-based approach to the physical therapy screening process offers a highly effective way to recognize systemic diseases and medical conditions that can mimic neuromuscular and musculoskeletal problems.
These user-friendly features ensure that you’ll catch the subtle clues that could indicate a serious medical condition:
- New full-color design, photos, and illustrations clearly demonstrate pathologies and processes.
- Provides evidence based on peer-reviewed literature reporting on the sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios of yellow (cautionary) and red (warning) flags.
- New and updated electronic resources include printable screening tools and checklists, practice test questions, and more to enhance your learning.
- A clinical reasoning approach encourages you to gather and analyze data, pose and solve problems, infer, hypothesize, and make clinical judgments.
- Case examples and case studies based on actual clinical experience give real- examples of how to integrate screening information into the diagnosis process.
- Reference values for common clinical laboratory tests offer easy access to pertinent information.
- Red flag histories, risk factors, clinical presentation, signs and symptoms, helpful screening clues, and guidelines for referral highlight the key information you need to be aware of during the screening process.
- Key Points to Remember boxes at the end of each chapter provide bulleted, quick access summaries of critical information.